Let's Score!
With the national debt at $36.5 trillion, we must elect candidates who will support President Trump's agenda. We score by vetting.
Two Fastzone.Substack blog series, Hankison Justice and Consent Decree Motion, are temporarily on hold. It is not clear whether there will be any federal attorneys available for the CD case for further litigation. See: Trump Orders ‘All Remaining’ Biden-Appointed U.S. Attorneys to Be Terminated.
The first Fastzone.Substack blog series started up in May 2022 to urge conservative Kentuckians to UNITE to win back the Governor seat in 2023. Matt Bevin lost in 2019 by only 5,136 votes. How? Why? No UNITY. (Read the series.)
In 2023, Daniel Cameron lost to Beshear by 67,025 votes. Why? A rift in the Republican Party? It was hard to drill down in the recaps after the Excel file results were replaced with PDFs— by whom? Early voting and suspicion of fraud caused concern about the results. Final reports took way too long.
With the Trump win, some calm has returned to the Party. Senator McConnell has stated he will not run again in 2026, and three candidates have stepped up to the plate. But could Republicans lose the McConnell Senate seat in 2026? Or sooner? Other seats?
In 2026 Kentuckians will elect:
State Senators - Even Districts
All State House seats
Local School Board - staggered 4-year term
Justice of the KY Supreme Court - District 3
District Judge - 4-year term
County Officers - 4-year term
Judge/Executive, Magistrates, Commissioners, County Clerk, County Attorney, Jailer, Coroner, Surveyor, P.V.A. Constable, SheriffCity Officers - Mayor - staggered 4-year term
Louisville Metro Council - Odd Districts
With only one year to go, let’s consider the importance of vetting all candidates. To do so, you will need to consult conservative news outlets. Remember, the mainstream, Politico-leaning media will sneakily work to convince you of untruths.
It was once easy to find conservative news sites, but Go Google now means, What do liberal media say?
An example of a good resource is The Freedom Index, which summarizes all legislative bills in both Houses and reports how each representative or senator voted, and whether that vote upholds the US Constitution.
In the collage, a screenshot from the 118th Congress shows Massie with the highest score for voting to uphold the Constitution, and Barr at only 57, which is one point higher than McConnell. You must study to decide whether Barr would be a good replacement for McConnell.
Other online resources for rating or investigating candidates include:
Candidate webpages
And of course, the social media sites.
Sarah Provancher was welcomed as new Executive Director of the Jefferson Co. Republican Party this month. Chairman Don Fitzpatrick is shown, right, during the Executive Committee meeting.
ASIDE: An OpEd by Senator McConnell was published in the C-J on February 12 fully supporting free trade and disparaging President Trump’s plan for tariffs.
Articles that present an opposing view follow.
American Thinker: The purpose of reciprocal tariffs is to teach other countries who abuse America to behave. They can get rid of our tariffs by lowering theirs. That is all it takes. Reciprocal tariffs will cause little (if any) harm to our economy, and would likely bring some production home.
…Trump has recognized that the U.S. is cascading towards a disaster and is trying to reduce the power and size of the government as fast as possible to save the country.Economic Times: Trump's reciprocal tariff plan is straightforward: the U.S. will impose the same tariffs on countries as they do on American goods.
PaulCraigRoberts: President Trump’s idea of replacing the income tax with tariffs is sound and a great advancement in the restoration of freedom.
Prior to 1913 the US government was financed by tariffs. It was under tariffs, not free trade, that the United States industrialized and became a manufacturing nation. Indeed, the Union invaded and destroyed the Confederacy in order to impose the Morrill Tariff on the South that enabled the North to industrialize. The North could not compete with British industry and required the protection of a tariff.
It is extraordinary to me that it has gone unremarked for 112 years that the income tax, which required a constitutional amendment, resurrected slavery. In actuality, white people voted to impose slavery on themselves…
A correction to the original post-- State office elections are in 2027. Thank you to a helpful reader.