It’s Time for the Church to Sound the Alarm!
The LMPD Consent Decree Series, Eighth and Final Post - Warnings from the pulpit could help prevent Totalitarianism in the USA
As the Consent Decree blog series ends, Gulliver’s Travels comes to mind. As a child I laughed and wondered at Gulliver tied down by the tiny Lilliputians. Today, I’m astounded to see our nation being choked by those with infantile political goals.
Gulliver had helped the Lilliputians by stealing the fleet of a neighboring island nation, but then he refused to force it to become a province of Lilliput, so he was charged with treason. America’s patriots today are condemned by the ‘reset’ minions who serve big government.
This literary gem was written by a clergyman and satirist, Jonathan Swift, whose epitaph was self-composed:
Swift sailed into his rest;
Savage indignation there
Cannot lacerate his breast.
Imitate him if you dare,
World-besotted traveller; he
Served human liberty.
Human liberty. Can we live without it?
An article published by the Rutherford Institute this week warns:
We have let the government’s evil-doing, its abuses, power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery and tyranny go on for too long…
We have seen this convergence before in Hitler’s Germany, in Stalin’s Russia, in Mussolini’s Italy, and in Mao’s China: the rise of strongmen and demagogues, the ascendency of profit-driven politics over deep-seated principles, the warring nationalism that seeks to divide and conquer, the callous disregard for basic human rights and dignity, and the silence of people who should know better.
Pastors are called to preach God’s words, relating these to people’s needs, but political topics are hot potatoes.
A clergyman who preached political truths, D. James Kennedy (d. 2007), was concerned for his congregants to understand America’s foundations. A video on his extant website explains:
In the 20th century more people died at the hands of their own atheist-socialist-Marxist government than died in all the wars in all the history of mankind… Millions of people were murdered by their own government simply because they would not accept the idea that everything they produced should be surrendered to the state.
Are our religious leaders concerned for those under their teaching to know this? It has application to freedom of worship and conscience rights.
At stake
Are most Christians aware that the underpinnings of our culture are being deconstructed?
Many videos published this year make clear that the FBI, under the Department of Justice, is corrupted. Has your church family watched or read about this?
A 2022 Tucker Carlson interview with Jeff Landry, now Louisiana’s Governor-elect, exposes New Orleans as the U.S. city with the highest per capita murder rate. Landry blames this on its Consent Decree.
He states in the video: “Right now in America, the three cities with the highest homicide rate are all under federal consent decrees. The federal consent decrees are basically a federal takeover of that city’s police department…You start to take back control of these cities by instituting local and state control in law enforcement.”
Are Louisville pastors informed about the coming Consent Decree and the harm it will bring?
A Christian writer and teacher, Eric Metaxas, published a book last year, Letter to the American Church, which calls attention to the parallels between the German Church that failed to work to prevent the Holocaust, and our churches that are not sounding the alarm about rising authoritarianism. Churches need not advocate violence or sponsor politically active groups, but they can share information and point members to resources. They can also publish statements. Example.
What will it take to rouse the Church to action?
Last spring, Metaxas interviewed an escapee from North Korea, Yeonmi Park, who has written a book, While Time Remains, to urge Americans to wake up and fight back.
At about 58” in this interview, we learn that after she became a citizen, the FBI invited her to give a speech, but then, their Diversity Officer censored her from speaking because of her political opinions.
In 2016 as a freshman at Columbia University she was told that anyone who read books by Jane Austen was racist, since her white supremacy ideas were oppressive to minorities. She was told that Math is racist, and this was no different than her North Korean teacher who explained that the Dear Leader had discovered that one drop of water plus another drop of water equals bigger water. Therefore 1 + 1 cannot equal 2.
For believing that there is a difference between men and women, she was accused of being brainwashed. Please listen to her ‘wake up’ call.
In his travels, Gulliver met the Yahoos. They were deformed humans who served the Talking Horses. Swift wanted to find out if the Yahoos were servile and passive due to a character defect or because they were treated as beasts. Which came first…? In Yeonmi’s interview she explains how people become deformed under authoritarian regimes.
Well Worth Watching
You can watch the new movie by Dinesh D’Souza, Police State, online. To me, the saddest testimony was from the aunt of a young man who was arrested for being in DC on January 6, who had done nothing wrong. Pursued by federal prosecutors and warned he would need to confess to untrue things in order to make a good plea bargain, he committed suicide.
Church, arise!
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