Can You Spot the Rinos in the Primary Picture?
Fastzone rates the 2023 Republican Primary Candidates - First in the RINOS series
What do Rinos (aka rhinos) do? When is the best time to remove them?
Second question first: Best time to remove is in the Primary.
The Republican-in-name-only is not a trustworthy person. Many could be cited, but let’s look at Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, the second-most senior Republican woman in the Senate. She was appointed to her post by her dad, Frank Murkowski, an Alaskan senator from 1981-2002 and governor from 2002-2006. (He lost the 2006 primary to Sarah Palin— she became governor but was later derailed by Rino John McCain.)
One example of the damage done by Lisa Murkowski is her strong support of leftist appointees and agendas. Read here.
Rinos dilute and destroy the conservative platform. They divide constituents. The purpose of this three-part series is to make clear which candidates running for state office in the May 16 Primary are Rinos. If you agree with this assessment, please share the posts.
Candidates for Governor
[See candidate list on image]
The Sample Ballots image shows the dozen gubernatorial candidates.
Take a look at some Sample Ballots linked from a Secretary of State counties page. You will find that many do not present the list in alpha order. That would put Daniel Cameron first. Is there an ‘agenda’ in counties presenting a random order?
Is order important? Probably.
The recent KET Republican Governor Debate culled the dozen to five, listed below. A previous Fastzone post provided videos of more gubernatorial candidates.
Fastzone’s comment:
Most gracious: Ryan Quarles
Most testosterone: Erik Deters
Most likely to segue to a run for US Congress: Alan Keck
Most likely to succeed against Beshear: Daniel Cameron
Rino: Kelly Craft
Please also see Fastzone’s previous post that details Cameron’s active conservative leadership as Kentucky’s Attorney General.
Rhinos behave aggressively and demand their own territory. Likewise, Craft has aggressively attacked and smeared Cameron, and refused to countenance any statements exposing campaign donations from her husband or information about her ‘home state’.
She did not debate in other venues and has not committed to explicit conservative values on the voter guides. Why does the iVoterGuide rate her a conservative? This is troubling, given that it is promoted by both Kentucky’s Family Foundation and AFA of Ky.
See: iVoterGuide | Kentucky Right to Life | Commonwealth Policy Center
An elephant’s brain is three times the size of a human brain, with five times as many neurons. Their capacity for intellect and emotion is huge. Because of this, elephants think, feel and have the same ability as humans to make considered decisions and follow split-second instincts.
The elephants in the debate were very interesting to watch and hear.
Secretary of State
[Michael Adams, Stephen Knipper, Allen Maricle]
Please watch this video. If you know of evidence to disprove it, leave a comment. If it is accurate, our current SOS is a Rino. The Patriot Point information cancels out the voter guides’ endorsements.
Steve Knipper explains how he will deliver honest elections. Let’s give him the opportunity. See previous post for Maricle video.
Today is the first day for In-person Excused Absentee Voting. Early voting for everyone starts next Thursday. Be a conservative— Don’t vote until Election Day!
Watch for two more posts in this series later this week.